Saturday, July 22, 2017


First off, I have to admit I do not know much when it comes to our government and what current events are going on in the world. I know that I should be more involved in knowing what is going on, but I am not. I don't know what news sources are reliable nor do I know background information that will set me up to understand what is going on today. I know the basic premise of some things, but beyond that I am unsure.
As far as WikiLeaks go, I think that much of the information they release is information the public should have access to. It is useful for people to learn more about what is going on and to see what is going on "behind the scenes" because we all know some information about current events is filtered before we see it on the news. Since our information is filtered, people often have a skewed idea and opinion on what is occuring in our world today. The video Julian Assanage showed of soldiers shooting people and laughing while doing so isn't something you would expect to see, but is important to, it makes you question what is going on and what we're really doing in the war. Sure, not everyone is laughing while shooting at people and this is just one video, but it gives an idea to people who don't see this every day as to what war is actually like. TV shows sometimes make it seem glorified or people think that all wars are the same, but seeing a dose of reality is important in the decision making of how many people to send off to fight. I could also argue that this is important to see because what if people were in our country, shooting, and laughing. How would we feel? Julian said innocent children were hurt and I can't imagine that anyone would want that to come to our homes.

WikiLeaks could potentially be harmful as well. If they release information about something, for example a planned attack, before it has occurred, it could get many people hurt because the other side could find out plans and counter them.

Freedom of Speech is an important right and the extent to what it covers can be confusing at times. I have to say that I am not well enough informed about our current state of government to find our limits alarming yet. I do see how they could be getting worse and how our free speech is becoming not so free, but at this moment in time it is not something I think about. We are allowed to say what we think about out government, whether we agree with them or not, we can say what we think about war and laws. WikiLeaks has a website that is actively accessible, these are only a few examples of things we can do and say that is illegal in other countries. I am thankful that I can say my thoughts about the current president and not worry about being arrested because I have a right to say what I want, but I do fear that the rights for freedom of speech will be trampled on at some point, as I can see they are starting to be done so in creativity with copyright laws.

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